

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 MKU6201 Islam Education 2 2 - -
2 MKU6202 Catholic Education 2 2 - -
3 MKU6203 Christianity Education 2 2 - -
4 MKU6204 Hinduism Education 2 2 - -
5 MKU6205 Buddhism Education 2 2 - -
6 MKU6206 Confucianism Education 2 2 - -
7 MKU6207 Civic Education 2 2 - -
8 MDK6201 Educational Sciences 2 2 - -
9 MDK6202 Educational Psychology 2 2 - -
10 FIP6201 Educational Philosophy 2 2 - -
11 FIP6203 Comparative Education 2 2 - -
12 PKH6305 Orthopedagogy 3 2 - 1
13 PKH6206 Growth Development and Health of Children with Special Needs 2 1,5 - 0,5
14 PKH6207 Psychological and Clinical Diagnosis 2 2 - -
15 PKH6219 Reading and Writing Braille 2 2 - -
Total 21 18 1 2

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 MKU6208 Pancasila 2 2 - -
2 MKU6209 Indonesian Language 2 2 - -
3 MKU6211 English 2 2 - -
4 MDK6203 Educational Management 2 2 - -
5 MDK6204 Educational Socio-anthropology 2 2 - -
6 PKH6201 Curriculum and Learning in Special Education 2 1,5 - 0,5
7 PKH6308 Academic and Non-Academic Assessment 3 1,5 1 0,5
8 PKH6310 Teaching Students with Visual Disabilities 3 1,5 1 0,5
9 PKH6220 Sign Language 2 1 1 -
10 PKH6225 Early Childhood Education for Children with Special Needs 2 2 - -
Total 22 17,5 3 1,5

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 MKU6212 Digital Transformation 2 1 1 -
2 MKU6213 Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship 2 1 1 -
3 MKU6218 Inclusive education 2 1,5 - 0,5
4 FIP6202 National Education Innovation 2 2 - -
5 PKH6202 Special Education Learning Strategy 2 1,5 - 0,5
6 PKH6209 Early Intervention for Children with Special Needs 2 1 0,5 0,5
7 PKH6311 Teaching Students with Hearing Disabilities 3 1,5 1 0,5
8 PKH6312 Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities 3 1,5 1 0,5
9   outbound  4 4 - -
10   outbound - - - -
Total 22 15 4,5 2,5

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 FIP6204 Statistics 2 1 1 -
2 PKH6203 Instructional Media and Information Technology in Special Education 2 1 - 1
3 PKH6204 Assessment of Learning in Special Education 2 1 - 1
4 PKH6313 Teaching Students with physical disabilities 3 1,5 1 0,5
5 PKH6316 Teaching Students with Autism 3 1,5 1 0,5
6 PKH6221 Sensomotor 2 1 1 -
7 PKH6223 Behavior Modification 2 1 1 -
8 PKH6224 Development of Alternative Communication 2 1 1 -
9     2 2 - -
10     - - - -
Total 20 11 6 3

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 PKH6314 Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 3 1,5 1 0,5
2 PKH6315 Teaching Gifted 3 1,5 1 0,5
3 PKH6317 Teaching Students with Specific Learning Difficulties 3 1,5 1 0,5
4 PKH6222 Motion & Accessibility 2 1 1 -
5 PKH6228 Special Education Management 2 1,5 - 0,5
6 PKH6231 Non Parametric Statistics 2 1 1 -
7 PKH6345 Research Methodology in Special Education 3 1 1 1
8     2 2 - -
9     0 0 - -
Total 20 11 6 3

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 PKH6218 Teaching students with multiple disabilities 2 1 0,5 0,5
2 PKH6226 Differentiated Learning 2 2 - -
3 PKH6227 Development of Transitional Program 2 1 1 -
4 PKH6229 Guidance and Counseling for Students with Special Needs 2 1,5 - 0,5
5 PKH6230 Assistive Technology 2 1 1 -
6 PKH6232 Special Education Seminar 2 - 2 -
7 PKH6234 Orientation and Mobility* 2 - 2 -
8 PKH6235 Academic Braille* 2 - 2 -
9 PKH6236 Communication Development, Sound & Rhythm Perception* 2 - 2 -
10 PKH6237 Articulation* 2 - 2 -
11 PKH6238 Self Help Instruction* 2 - 2 -
12 PKH6239 Functional Academic Instruction* 2 - 2 -
13 PKH6240 Physical Motor Development* 2 - 2 -
14 PKH6241 Personal and Social Development * 2 - 2 -
15 PKH6242 Deviance Sociology 2 - 2 -
16 PKH6243 Creativity Building* 2 - 2 -
17 PKH6244 Metacognitive Learning* 2 - 2 -
18 PEN6201 Micro Teaching 2 - 1,5 0,5
Total 20 8,5 10 1,5

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 PKH6633 Field Work Practice 6 - - 6
2 MKL6601 Educational Practice 6 - - 6
3 MKL6604 Community Service Program 6 - - 6
Total 18 - - 18

No Code Course Credit Activity
1 TAM6801 Thesis Final Project 8 - 5 3
Total 8 - 5 3